Break Your Trance of Scarcity First in a series of Brave Woman teleseminars October 22nd 9:00 am PDT $29 |
“If struggling was the way to get there, we'd be there by now." Victoria Castle There is no question that scarcity exists. It is also true that abundance exists as a reality as well. So the question is – which reality are you currently living? Are you satisfied with your life or is there something greater that you want to experience? Living in scarcity is living in a trance that squeezes the joy of life right out of you. It eclipses your greatness and stops you short of achieving your heart’s desire. It is a very real experience—and it is easily broken! Like any trance state you can wake up from it. All you need are a few simple tools -- which you get in this teleseminar. When you hold a belief in ‘not-enoughness’ you are stuck in patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that run counter to what you really want in life. We all live in a trance of our own creation. Old habits and automatic reactions become hard-wired into your neurology and then you find yourself caught in a web of what you don’t want but not sure how to break free. There IS Life on the other side of the trance. A life filled with love, abundance, great health, fulfillment, joy and success. But first you must wake up from your current trance. This teleseminar show you exactly HOW to wake up and stay awake! Your Trance of Scarcity is a story you learned to tell yourself at a young age about the reality of life. “I’m not enough. There is never enough. It’s too hard. Nobody cares. Settle for less. I’m not worthy, deserving, valuable.” It becomes your way of living, your day-to-day reality, directing your actions according to unconscious programming. What you expect to show up in your life—does. Beliefs of lack, struggle, and separation begin to define your reality and you forget to question what is true. But—and here is the key to waking from your trance—when you feel stuck in a never ending cycle of lack or trapped with nowhere to turn questioning your personal reality is a good thing! Being fully present in your life breaks the trance and opens you to new choices and new experiences. Breaking the trance of scarcity wakes you up—and keeps you awake. In this teleseminar you learn to:
To embody abundance means to live in a state of fullness and flow, being open to receiving and having different than you have now. You do all that and much more in this Brave Woman teleseminar: Break Your Trance of Scarcity Break free of the fears, dead-ends and frustrations of your life now! October 22nd 9:00 am PDT $29 Take this Journey of Courage with other women wanting what you want—to live an Authentic Life as the Brave Woman that you are. As always, this teleseminar includes intensive belief work along with a special meditation to enhance and integrate your healing. Upon registration you will receive a handout with a brief exercise. Completing this exercise before the teleseminar will greatly enhance your healing experience. Can’t attend live? No worries! This teleseminar will be recorded and the free replay made available to you the next day. We are excited to see you there! Bonnie & Katie ![]() ![]() |
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