When you are stepping into your own courage – you’ll find sometimes that all the junk – all that isn’t your courage, will pop-up and get in your face. I suppose that this doesn’t happen to everyone – but it has certainly happened to me, it has happened to my best friends and colleagues – and it has happened to almost everyone I know.
But wait – there is good news, it’s not a bad idea to let stuff come up, look at it, learn to laugh at it, and let it go for good. You may know that besides Ho’ponopono and all the other skills and disciplines I have learned around the world over the decades, what I use as my Core skill is The One Command.
So my words (after going to the theta brainwave) I don’t know how I release all emotionally fearful thoughts, I only know I do now and I am fulfilled. Or, I don’t know how I embrace my courageous self, I only know I do now and I am fulfilled, are what help me more than anything to change my DNA.
Because I love the study of quantum physics I have finally reached a point in life where all I have learned has gone from a huge portfolio of great techniques and ideas, to being able to make the stuff work and reverse the flow!
So what works for you? What have you learned (at whatever point you are in your life), that finally makes it all work and finally helps you Witness your own Master?
Hugs, Katie
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